From Bugs to Bulbs

Most of us have had those long slogs of road trips and have had to find a way to pass some time.  One of the most universal road games is the beloved SLUG BUG. That is if you’re the one usually spotting them first.  Some of us learned Slug Bug young and some were late […]

Insightful Parking

UMMM all these years later and I still cant figure it out. So, among the many definitions for Insight the shortest, “the power or act of seeing into a situation” (selected only because I didn’t have any special insight into which definition to put on here) still leaves me disconnected to what the heck we […]

To GROM or not to GROM

OK, so you get it, or you don’t get it.  I’d say if you don’t get it you haven’t ridden one.  What do you say about the potential for A L O T of fun but the ability to justify it on practicality?  How is this practical?  Well how about approaching 100 miles a gallon […]

Banshees wail

Well!  All the way back to the late 1700’s Banshee’s have not been a welcome guest.  I would say for a competitor racing against this one it would not be a welcome guest indeed.  The Banshee also was known as sending a warning of death!  Hopefully that would apply to the competition and not the […]